
If only pork were explosive we’d have been done with all this years ago.

With Bush delaying the oversight game by refusing to submit his staff to a thorough probing, Democrats are keeping themselves erect and well lubricated with $21 billion dollars of fresh pork.

By hiding these provisions in the emergency war spending bill, Congress hopes to sidestep its own discretionary spending caps and force the President to play along with its theft of your money.

It seems that once they get a taste, the bloodsuckers come back for more every session. The parade of crooks looks about the same as it has for generations: farms, fisheries, the fucking congressmen themselves, idiotic projects run by somebody’s wife’s cousin, and floats of feel-good social experiments.

We may have reformed welfare, but some people are certainly getting well. Did you know the average income of the farmers you subsidize is over $80,000? Do they pass the savings on to you when they get fat checks from the government? Oh no, actually they are subject to a variety of controls that keep food in short supply, extract contributions for ridiculously expensive ad campaigns (Got Milk?), and drive up the prices paid by us consumers. Not only that, but any foods that are produced “too cheaply” abroad are slapped with a quotas or tariffs to protect our precious agribusiness conglomerates.

Enjoy your high fructose corn syrup sucker.